Reverse osmosis, cement mortar, Brine, bore water, FALG, Alkali activated material, compressive strengthAbstract
In this paper a basic research on effect of mixing of various types of waters, viz. Reverse Osmosis drinking water (RO), Reverse Osmosis Brine water(ROB) and bore water (B) on Cement Mortar(CM), Fly ash Lime Gypsum (FALG) mortar and Alkali activated material(AAM) mortars was studied for properties such as density, water absorption and compressive strength after 7 days and 28 days of curing. Cement mortars give high strength when compared to FALG and AAM mortars.
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XIX. Appendix-G, Vol-2 Mortars, Specifications 91 – 92, Central Public Works Department, India, PP-37.
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