Oja, ayurveda, DhatuAbstract
Concept of ojus is a unique and fundamental concept of Ayurveda. It is observational opinion of complete healthy status of body dhatus, which supports life, and protects life against various disease. Ojus literally means power, vigor, vitality, strength etc. It is true that in Ayurveda the major component of ojus considered to be apar ojus, which circulates throughout body with the help of hridaya and is responsible for kayak vachik and mansik kriyas of body i.e. all the physical, mental and expression-related activities are directly dependent on this ojus content of body. As far as para ojus is concerned one can directly link its presence in shirohridaya and primarily responsible wellbeing. To compare ojus with modern immunology system of body shall be a reductionism approach. Ojus, when called sarvadhatu sara,means much more than immunology.
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