Computer – assisted instruction-CAI- students with disabilities, immediate feedback, electronic instrumentAbstract
Computers are scientific inventions of artificial intelligence. Now a day’s computers are used in every field. Computers are managing starting from launching the Rockets to operating sub-marines. Now we are using computers in educational fields also. Schools and colleges are using computers for teaching and learning process. Computer is an electronic instrument. This stores the data by magnetic field. Computers give information when required. This can store a lot of information in a short time. Many teachers do not like using computers for their teaching. This is because the teachers are apprehensive that they may lose their job because of computers. But in reality computers can never replace the teachers. The teachers’ position in education is irreplaceable. Actually the computer helps the teachers and spares them from collecting and storing the information. But education through computers must be under the control of teachers Computer – assisted instruction improves instruction for students with disabilities because students receive immediate feedback and do not continue to practice the wrong skills. Many computer programs can move through instruction at the student’s pace and keep track of the student’s errors and progress. Computers capture the student’s attention because the programs are interactive and engage the student’s spirit of competitiveness to increase their scores. Also, CAI moves at the student’s pace and usually does not move ahead until they have mastered the skill. Programs provide differentiated lessons to challenge students who are at risk, average or gifted.
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