Teachers are considering as the most important group of professional for our nation’s future. Today many school teachers are dissatisfied. When the teachers are satisfied in their job at that time only they have interested to teach students with efficiently and effectively. Nowadays teaching is accepted as a challenging job and one of the most important reasons is that in today’s societies information is easily accessible so it can question the traditional role and teacher. According to Almiala’s findings (2008)” many newly qualified teachers often resign from their teaching job within first few years because of low salary and burdening workload”(Almiala 2008:6-7) .As many studies have showed teachers’ problems and all factors which related to them make the educational systems to face with many different kinds of problems, so such information about the elements which make job satisfaction or dissatisfaction in teachers is needed to improve the educational systems in Third World countries. Marlow et al (1996) has investigated reasons for teachers leaving their professions.
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