
  • Dr. Anjli Pawar MD Student, Department of Biochemistry, MMIMSR, Mullana, 133207.
  • Dr. Suvarna Prasad Professor and Head, Department of Biochemistry, MMIMSR, Mullana, 133207.
  • Dr. Rajiv Kumar MD Student, Department of Biochemistry, MMIMSR, Mullana, 133207.
  • Dr. Pallav Sharma MD Student, Department of Biochemistry, MMIMSR, Mullana, 133207.
  • Dr. Sunita Manhas Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, MMIMSR, Mullana, 133207.
  • Dr. Karanpreet Bhutani Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, MMIMSR, Mullana, 133207.
  • Dr. Munish Kumar MD Student, Department of Forensic Medicine, MMIMSR, Mullana, 133207.


Diabetes Mellitus, Serum Phosphorus, Diabetic Nephropathy, Microalbuminuria


A paradoxical metabolic imbalance in inorganic phosphate occurs from the early onset of diabetes and may lead to a reduction of high energy phosphates and tissue hypoxia. These changes take place in the cells and tissues in which the entry of glucose is not controlled by insulin, and particularly in poorly regulated diabetes patients in whom long term vascular complications are more likely to occur. Diabetic nephropathy is one of the most serious complications of diabetes and can lead to glomerulosclerosis and end stage renal diseases. Ultimately resulting in mortality in diabetic patients. This study is an attempt to find out the serum phosphorus levels in diabetic nephropathy patients and to find its association with HbA1c.

Author Biography

Dr. Anjli Pawar , MD Student, Department of Biochemistry, MMIMSR, Mullana, 133207.



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How to Cite

Dr. Anjli Pawar, Dr. Suvarna Prasad, Dr. Rajiv Kumar, Dr. Pallav Sharma, Dr. Sunita Manhas, Dr. Karanpreet Bhutani, & Dr. Munish Kumar. (2019). EFFECTS OF DIABETIC NEPHROPATHY ON PHOSPHOROUS HOMEOSTASIS. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 5(1). Retrieved from https://ierj.in/journal/index.php/ierj/article/view/1706