Critical Thinking, Education, Evaluation, Pedagogue, ReformationAbstract
Education being a lifetime process is dynamic and vulnerable to social, political and cultural positioning of its system. This nature in not a very distinctive manner, is also found in human beings, and is rather an imperative feature of human evolution. The propensity of education in its real sense goes far beyond acquisition of certain facts or a degree and has effects to the formation and changes brought about in human nature and personality. Critical thinking in the this paper is presented as an approach which is important for both the pedagogue, to be equipped with while transacting the curriculum and also for learners to engage in a broader perspective of things and be discriminative of their environment, both in negative and positive ways, even neutral when needed. The paper concludes with a proposal for reformation in the very aims, nature and process of examination system in the country in order to mark an eventual cessation to the practices like regurgitating and unreasoned articulation.
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