
  • Dr. Rashmi Soni Associate Professor, HOD, Department of Education, Sri Jai Narain P.G. College, University of Lucknow, Lucknow


Higher Education, Education Plus, Personality Development


People from all ages and backgrounds have decided to enter higher education, and for a variety of reasons. Although the decision to enter higher education is a very individual one, but many students enter university to experience the lifestyle or meeting new people. University is about more than what is taught within the walls of a classroom. It is about getting involved and becoming a part of campus life. From joining a student organization to volunteering in the community, leadership skills are a necessity. The personal development and growth that a student experiences will make him/her more organized, confident, and capable of handling the responsibilities of college and career. He will greatly enhance his ability to work in a more effective and efficient manner with a broader scope of people.

With the diverse population of students in universities today, educators must strive to create a system that reflects and celebrates diversity and allows the students to reach high standards. Educators can create new paths to learning standards by providing more learning options for students. Preparing for life with a scientific frame of mind is more essential than preparing for examination. For a country to grow meaningfully and in a sustainable way, the university systems and colleges have to become centers of excellence where the best minds apply themselves to the task of molding India’s coming generation. Education today is an enterprise of universal dimensions, huge and far reaching, and the aims have universal application. Courses in value education need to be conducted for students, teachers and administrators, so as to ensure a value-imbibing atmosphere in the whole campus.

This qualitative paper highlights the importance of character building higher education which is missing in our colleges and universities and higher education institutions.


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How to Cite

Dr. Rashmi Soni. (2018). HIGHER EDUCATION BEYOND ACADEMICS: EDUCATION PLUS. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 4(6). Retrieved from https://ierj.in/journal/index.php/ierj/article/view/1596