Bitumen, Aggregates, Plastic Roads, Plastic-Bitumen-Aggregate Mix, Flexible PavementAbstract
Now days, worldwide population density increases, which enhance production of plastic waste on daily basis. It may be beneficial to society, when it is biodegradable and eco-friendly economical material. But, some plastic polymer act as hazardous product, as it is non-biodegradable waste material affects environment badly. It is unwanted environmental hazard which increases all three types of pollution i.e. soil, air and water pollution.
As India is rapidly developing country, these types of problems we have to eradicate completely. There is enormous scope to use plastic waste in flexible road construction. As due to extensive rain in India, lots of economical waste is occur every year. Due to use of waste plastic in flexible pavement, drainage capacity of road surface increases efficiently. We can use plastic in road construction in marshy land area as well as area of high rainfall intensity, to enhance lifespan of roads and economy in construction.
Also, large amount of economy of government is wasted every year i.e. million of rupees are wasted in treatment of waste plastic material. Some techniques are available for disposal of plastics like landfill and incineration. But, incineration method produces lots of air pollution which affects the human health. Lifespan of plastic waste is very large. Also, plastic material is available in different forms like plastic bags, papers and utensils. So, we can use this plastic waste in shredded form in road construction by wet process and dry process. This increases durability and drainage efficiency of roads.
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