Instructional Material, Project Based Learning, Virtual Instrument, Labview, Feasibility, ApplicabilityAbstract
The purpose of this research were (1) to develop the instructional material Labview of Based Virtual Instrument, an instructional material based on project for instructor, instructional material based on project for student, Labview Based Virtual Instrument trainer and manual book, (2) to test the feasibility and applicability Labview Based Virtual Instrument instructional material. The developed instructional material were applied for Industrial Instrumentation Course, Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia. Dick and Carey development model (1990) was applied for this research. This study used formative evaluation to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data about the feasibility of format and content of the instructional material, were obtained from close questionnaire, while the qualitative data about applicability instructional material on Labview Based Virtual Instrument training which is conducted were obtained from open questionnaire. The result of quantitative data were as follows: (1) one to one evaluation done by the first reviewer is 98.05% very feasible, while done by the second reviewer is 95.11% very feasible, (2) small group evaluation is 92.15% very feasible, (3) field trial evaluation is 90.59% very feasible. While the resume of the result of qualitative data that Labview Based Virtual Instrument instructional material were very feasible and applicable in training class. The implementation of instructional material developed needs further consideration to add more time for learning Labview Based Virtual Instrument using project based learning model to have a better perform.
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