
  • Dr. Sudhansu Sekhar Nayak Lecturer in Commerce , R.N.College, Dura, Berhampur-10, Ganjam (Odisha)
  • Kusa Panigrahi Guest Faculty, Thuruburai, Ganjam, Odisha
  • Anupama Mishra Lecturer in Commerce, Raghunathjew Degree College Cuttack, Odisha


Emotional, Millennium, prominence, catalyst, mobilize, respondent


In a fast developing country like India, the forces of commercialization, modernization and industrialization are actively operating and changing the traditional modes of production into modern capitalistic enterprises. Women are the most pre significant segment of the society. In order to improve the status and position of women at home and in the society at large, it is necessary to achieve economic independence for women.

International Labour Organization has defined entrepreneurs as "people who have the capability to see and evaluate business opportunities; to gather necessary resources to take advantage of them, and initiate appropriate action to ensure success". The present study is an attempt to analyze the development of women entrepreneurs and to access the performance and socio-economic conditions. It also contemplates an appreciation of the problems faced by women entrepreneurs in managing their business and to evaluate the schemes and impact of policies supported by state and central Governments.


I. M.V. Raghavulu "women entrepreneurship in backward areas", sedme, December-2003,p-45646.

II. George Herbertson Events Jr., "The Entrepreneur and Economic Theory", American Economic Review; 1949,p.335.

III. Hans Schollhammer and Arthur H. Kuriloff, Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, (New York: John Wiley Sons, 1993) p.1.

IV. Tandon, B.C., "Entrepreneurial Inputs in Management Studies", Economic Times, December 1990, p.13.

V. Srivastava, S.B., Practical guide to Industrial Entrepreneurs, (New Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons, 1992), p.36.

VI. Kirmandevedra, Status and Position of Women in India, (New Delhi: Sakthi Books, 1985), p.13.

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How to Cite

Dr. Sudhansu Sekhar Nayak, Kusa Panigrahi, & Anupama Mishra. (2018). WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS IN ODISHA (A CASE STUDY OF GANJAM DISTRICT). International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 4(3). Retrieved from https://ierj.in/journal/index.php/ierj/article/view/1516