
  • Ms. Priya Johry Research Scholar, Department of Education, University of Allahabad


Global education, role of UNESCO, role of UNICEF, role of UNDP, conclusion


Global education has increasingly become a buzzword in educational contexts. Global education is often used synonymously with education for global citizenship, future oriented education, multicultural education and education for 21st century competencies. Global education as specific themes related to globalization global education as interconnection and dependency between the global and local, global education as the understanding and respect for other peoples and cultures and finally, global education as preparation for studying and working in a global world. International organization plays a pivotal role in implementing global education programs and supervising grants agreements and the disbursement of the funds. International organization provides an unparalleled source of knowledge and expertise to help the global partnership achieve its global educational objective and monitor impact. This paper examines the perspective of global education in the context of international agencies of like UNIESCO, UNICEF, and UNDP in global education world.


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How to Cite

Ms. Priya Johry. (2017). ROLE OF INTERNATIONAL AGENICES IN GLOBAL EDUCATION. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 3(11). Retrieved from