
  • Dr. Christopher Nnanna Ominyi Department of Educational Foundations, Ebonyi State College of Education, Ikwo, Nigeria.


Constructivism, Pedagogy, Economy, Recession


Educational traditionalism with its emphasis  on rote learning, memorization of facts, accumulation of subject matter, etc, and its pedagogical strategy that demands learners to sit down and listen attentively during delivery of instructions is to blame for production of graduates who are serially unemployed in Nigeria.  In constructivist model, learners are actively involved in the learning process and lessons are adequately presented in democratic, interactive, collaborative environments enabling learners to be creative and constructive. This makes it possible for learners to apply what they have learnt to their future daily lives. In the end individuals become self-reliant and poised to eke out their living independent of government paid jobs. This goes a long way to boost the nation’s economy since rate of production would be high. This paper is of the opinion that economic recession could be mitigated in Nigeria if teaching methods are consistent with constructivist model.


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How to Cite

Dr. Christopher Nnanna Ominyi. (2017). MITIGATING ECONOMIC RECESSION IN NIGERIA THROUGH CONSTRUCTIVIST PEDAGOGY. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 3(9). Retrieved from