
  • Vidhi Gujrani SRF, Department of Education, Panjab University
  • Dr. Mamta Garg Assistant professor, Department of Education, USOl, Panjab University


The study aimed to know the perceptions of the school heads regarding ‘which all qualities do they think are mandatory to be present in an effective teacher’ and find out which all qualities were present in the teachers teaching in their schools. Convenient sampling technique was used to collect data from the heads. Both government and private school heads were selected for the present study. Self constructed questionnaire was administered to the school heads along with the structured interviews. The results showed that there were many qualities which were perceived by the heads to be present in the effective teachers but they were found to be lacking in the teachers teaching in their schools. The study aimed to know the gaps between which qualities are required as an effective teacher and what qualities do they actually possess as perceived by the heads of the schools.


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How to Cite

Vidhi Gujrani, & Dr. Mamta Garg. (2017). BEING AN EFFECTIVE TEACHER: EXPECTATIONS OF SCHOOL HEADS AND THE REALITIES FACED. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 3(6). Retrieved from