
  • Dr. Vanita Anand Assistant Professor, Maharaja Surajmal Institute, New Delhi


Constructivist Approach, Behaviourist Approach, Achievement, Teaching-learning of History, Constructivist Learning Environment


Constructivist paradigm describes the process of learning as meaning-making, in which individuals construct mental models that ground their understanding in a deeply personal and unique fashion. Constructivism places the learner at the centre stage. Learning becomes the focus rather than teaching. Learning implies constructing meaning and constructing a systems of meaning. The constructivist approach is relevant to all subjects of study but more particularly to study of History. Students' interest level in history is often hard to raise, as they tend to see these topics as outdated and distant from their personal interests and concerns. Hence, a need was felt to study the effectiveness of constructivist approach on the student teachers, who can, in turn, apply it in their classrooms. The effectiveness of Constructivist Approach was studied on Achievement, of the student teachers. 62 students of Kalka Institute for Research and Advanced Studies constituted the sample of the study. A quasi-experimental design was utilized. Students were randomly divided into experimental group and control group. The experimental group was taught using constructivist approach (Inquiry Guided Learning) while the control group was taught using the conventional approach (talk and chalk). The data was analysed quantitatively.


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XIX. http://www.radicalpedagogy.org

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How to Cite

Dr. Vanita Anand. (2017). EFFECTIVENESS OF CONSTRUCTIVIST APPROACH IN TEACHING LEARNING HISTORY IN TERMS OF ACHIEVEMENT. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 3(6). Retrieved from https://ierj.in/journal/index.php/ierj/article/view/1163