
  • Devananda Beura P.G. Department of Geology, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar-4


Urbanisation, Water bodies, Population growth, Management


Urbanisation is considered as one of the indicators of development in modern world. The process of spreading of the urban bodies in space and time is called as urbanisation. The infrastructural elements including roads, buildings, market places, malls, parks, stadium, educational institutes, hospitals, small scale industrial hubs, entertainment and amusement places etc. are the key associates of urban bodies. The living style and facilities are certainly far better than that of the rural areas. That is why the urbanisation is getting triggered off by the surrounding immigrants. The urban population growth primarily by this means helps in spreading out the urban nucleus at the fastest rate. The accelerated expansion shares the existing demand of basic amenities for which they are becoming scarce day by day. All the big cities along with lower tire towns suffer from the basic resource crunch like water and electricity etc. Water crisis has emerged as a paramount problem in urban areas worldwide. It is a universal observation that all the urban expansions have engulfed almost all the water bodies in their territories and in the peripheral regions. Water bodies are missing at the cost of urban infrastructural development. Depletion of surface water bodies has put lot of adverse impact on the water supply, groundwater development and local climate. Having said that the present trend of urbanisation cannot be abruptly stopped, it is highly required to structure and implement the effective management principles to protect and promote the water bodies in urban localities.


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How to Cite

Devananda Beura. (2017). DEPLETION OF WATER BODIES DUE TO URBANISATION AND ITS MANAGEMENT. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 3(6). Retrieved from