The Church, The Bible, Christain, Environmental EducationAbstract
The Bible is the book of Ideas. Thus the importance of the Bible is immense to its core as its foundational authority had been established in almost all the country, either directly or indirectly, for their democratic values. As such, the vast Bible dominion to environmental education increases more and more. As it’s coverage area is massive, so does it’s relevance to establish itself for propagating and conserving its eco-theme for its readers through its conditioned catchment area, which would facilitate towards the positive education. The footprint of the Bible is big enough to establish and to plant the environmental value among the believers, and general masses, and to spread the eco-message to the whole world.
Therefore, the importance of implementing agency amplifies numerously. This huge footprint of the Bible can therefore be used by the Church for the entirety of Environmental Education.
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