
  • Ms. Suman A. Lamture Research Student, Department of English, Shivaji Mahavidyalaya, Korpana , Chandrapur. (M.S.)India.


dilemma, immigrants, destabilized, Namesake, The Lowland, socio-cultural


The Namesake is about this perpetual dilemma faced by immigrants in the form of Ashima , Ashok Ganguli as they struggle to maintain their identities while trying to shake them off at the same time. The first generation’s story was about adaptation, learning, culturing, and discovering new things about themselves. The second generation of Gogol, Sonia… find itself presented with two conflicting realities and cultures and sets of expectations - one of the host countries through the socio-cultural surroundings and the other of the home country through their parents. Her next novel The Lowland is the most ambitious book, in which she moves out of her comfort zone- the academic world of New England and plunges into a controversial chapter of recent Indian history- the Naxalite movement of the 1960s and 1970s. Lahiri has broadened her novel begins in the land left behind-0 Bengal-during the turbulent decades when Naxalites destabilized the state. The Lowland starts with snippets of the shared life experiences of two teenage brothers Subhash and Udayan. Born fifteen months apart, these children of Bengali parents settled in Calcutta are immensely friendly with each other.


Peter, Barry. (2006). Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary And Cultural Theory.

Second ed. Channai: T. R. Publication.

Jagdish, Batra.(2010). Jumpha Lahiri’s The Namesake; A Critical Study. New Delhi: Prestige


Mabel, Fernandes. “Immigrant Angst in Transplantation of Culture: Looking at Jumpha

Lahiri’s World in The Namesake” Literature of Diaspora: Cultural Dislocation, ed.

Samad, Shaikh.( 2009). New Delhi: Creative Books.

Stuart, Hall. (2010). “Cultural Identity and Diaspora” Contemporary Postcolonial

Theory: A Reader, ed. Padimini Mongia. New Delhi: Oxford University PressSeventh


Jumpa, Lahiri (2003). The Namesake. New Delhi: Harper Collins.

Jumpa, Lahiri. (2013).Book Review,Local Souls.

Siddartha, Deb. (2013).Jhumpa,Lahiri’s `The Lowland’

Jumpa, Lahiri .(2013). `The Lowland’Londn,Random House Large Print Publishing.

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How to Cite

Ms. Suman A. Lamture. (2017). POST-COLONIAL DILEMMAS IN THE NOVELS OF JHUMPA LAHIRI. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 3(5). Retrieved from