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International Indexed Journal | Peer-Reviewed Journal | Multi-Disciplinary Refereed Research Journal
Peer-Reviewed Journal - Equivalent to UGC Approved Journal
E-ISSN : 2454-9916
Impact Factor Journal : 8.275(SJIF)
Journal DOI : 10.21276/2454-9916
Index Copernicus Value : 71.60
Google Scholar : i10-Index: 130
Name | Affiliation | Email Id |
Dr. Prof. R. Joshi | Associate Professor of English and Head of the Department of Communication Skills, Faculty of Arts, Marwadi University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India. | [email protected] |
Name | Affiliation |
Dr. Antonio Simone Lagana | MD, Unit Of Gynecology And Obstetrics, Department Of Human Pathology In Adulthood And Childhood "G. Barresi", University Of Messina, Italy |
Dr. P. Malyadri | Principal, Government Degree College, Rayalaseema University, Srisailam Project, A.P., INDIA. Kurnool (Dt) - 518 102 |
Prof. Paras Rughani | Asst Professor (Communication, Soft Skills, Marketing Management), Marwadi Education Foundation's Group Of Institutions |
Prof. Ajeet Bhagwat Bhane | Asst. Professor In Mechanical Engineering Department Of SND COE & RC, Yeola (Nashik) |
Prof. Dr. Amer A. Taqa | Department Of Dental Basic Science College Of Dentistry/Mosul University/Iraq Education |
Anand Veeravalli Raghupathy | M.S. In Electrical Engineering (Major: Analog Design) At Texas A&M University, College Station, USA |
Prof. Paras Rughani | Assistant Professor, Faculty Of Management, Marwadi Education Foundation's Group Of Institutions, RAJKOT- Gujarat |
Mrs. Meenu Bhati | Assistant Prof. (E&C), GCT, Jaipur |
Mr. Nitin Mishra | Assistant Professor, Dept Of Civil Engineering, Graphic Era University, Dehradun. |
Mr. Nilaykumar Kiran Sangani | IT Security Planning Analyst, Abu Dhabi Company For Onshore Petroleum Operations Ltd. (ADCO), Abu Dhabi, UAE |
Dr. G. Vijay Anand | Senior Assistant Professor Of Anesthesiology, Tirunelveli Medical College. Tirunelveli - 627 007 |
Mr. Pranjal Kumar Phukan | Chartered Engineer, Fellow Of Indian Institute Of Production Engineers, Senior Manager (C&P) At BCPL, Dibrugarh |
Ass. Prof. S. Raja Kumar | Assistant Professor Of Education, GRT College Of Education, Tiruttani, Thiruvallur District, Tamilnadu |
Dr. Amol Hartalkar | Department Of Medicine, Rural Medical College & Hospital, Pravara Institute Of Medical Sciences (DU), P.O. Loni, Tah. Rahata, Dist. Ahmednagar - 413 736 (M.S.) |
Dr. Abhijit Zende | Dean (R&D), Professor In Civil Engineering, Annasaheb Dange College Of Engineering & Technology [ADCET], Ashta, Dist - Sangli, Maharashtra, India - 416301 (Affiliated To Shivaji University, Kolhapur) |
Dr. P. Pachaiyappan | Assistant Professor Of Psychology In GRT College Of Education, Tiruttani.Tamilnadu. Pin: 631209 |
Dr. Santosh Kumar Behera | Assistant Professor, Department Of Education,Sidho-Kanho-Birsha University, P.O.-Sainik School, Dist.- Purulia, West Bengal, India, Pin-723104 |
Dr. Suraj Wasudeo Nagre | Assistant Professor CVTS, Grant Medical College, Mumbai, Maharashtra |
Dr. Loc Nguyen | 1) Creative Writer At AllPoetry, 2) Incorporating With LAMBERT Academic Publishing - A Trademark Of OmniScriptum GmbH & Co. KG To Publish The Book "Matrix Analysis And Calculus" Which Is The Product Mentioned In Section IX. Products And Projects, 3) Working In Quality Assurance Committee Of Statistics Without Borders - American Statistical Association, 4) Co-leader Of The Project "Ebola Recovery" Created And Owned By Statistics Without Borders - American Statistical Association And British Red Cross. The "Ebola Recovery" Project Aims To Build A Model To Classify High Infection Risk Area And To Predict Ebola Re-infection Events So Decision Makers Can Take Account Of This Risk When Planning. The Project Is Mentioned In Section IX. Products And Projects. |
Dr. Sefa Bulut | Associate Prof, Department Of Educational Sciences Head Of Counseling Psychology And Guidance Program College Of Education Abant Izzet Baysal University Golkoy 14280 Bolu TURKEY |
Prof. Dr. Garima Goswami | Asst. Professor (Chemistry & Environmental Engineering), JODHPUR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY |
Dr. Dipankar Chatterjee | Assistant Professor Department Of Agriculture, Rural And Tribal Development School Of Agriculture And Rural Development Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University Ranchi - 834008 |
Dr. Ramu Nagarajapillai | Associate Professor And UGC Research Awardee, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Chidambaram. |
S. R. Boselin Prabhu | Asst. Professor/ ECE, SVS College Of Engineering, Coimbatore |
Er Dr. Porag Kalita | Representative SAE International, C/O Automobile Engineering Department, Govt Of Assam, Majgaon, Titabor, Assam, India. |
Ass. Prof. Wan Fauziah W Yusoff | Director Centre For Business And Entrepreneurship Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia |
Mr. Rajdeep Chowdhury | Assistant Professor Department Of Computer Application JIS College Of Engineering Block-A, Phase-III, Kalyani, Nadia-741235 |
Dr. Wilfredo J. Nicolas | Doctor In Management Major In Human Resource Management At The University Of The Visayas, Cebu City, Philippines |
Mrs. Kriti Singh | Non Resident Associate Fellow At Center For Air Power Studies (CAPS), An Indian Air Force Backed Think Tank. |
Dr. S Rajkumar | Hawassa University - Institute Of Technology, Ethiopia. |
Mrs Aakriti Dutta Bose | Assistant Professor, MICROBIOLOGY, Ojaswini Institute Of Par Excellence Sagar (M. P) |
Dr. B. Paulchamy | Professor & Head, Hindusthan Institute Of Technology, Coimbatore-32 |
Dr. Dnyaneshwar Kantaram Jadhav | R.M.O In Dhanwantari Hospital,Kalyan |
Dr. Arati Shamgonda Patil | Worked As Houseman In SSNJ Ayurveda Rugnalaya, Solapur. |
Dr. Arun Mathew | Associate Professor, VIT University. |
Dr. Pintu Kumar Maji | Assistant Professor And Head, Department Of Education, Sarsuna College (Affiliated To University Of Calcutta) |
Ass. Prof. Dr Naveen Gaurav | Assistant Professor, Department Of Biotechnology, S.G.R.R. (PG), College, Pathribagh, Dehradun (U.K.) - 248001, INDIA |
Ass. Prof. Florentina Moisescu | "Dunarea De Jos" University Of Galati, Romania, Faculty Of Economics And Business Administrations, 59-61, N. Balcescu Street, 800001, Galati, Romania |
Mr. Om Krishna | Assistant Professor In Seedling School Of Law And Governance , Jaipur National University, Jaipur |
Mr. Goutam Karmakar | Assistant Teacher, Department Of English, Bhagilata High School (H.S), Raiganj, Uttar Dinajpur, West Bengal, India. |
Mr. Joydeep Bhattacharyya | Senior Chip Design Engineer, Intel Corporation’s Silicon Valley, California, USA. |
Mrs. Lubna Suraiya | Former Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Loyola College, Vettavalam, TamilNadu |
Monisa Qadri | Senior Assistant Professor, PG Department of Journalism & Mass Communication, Islamic University of Science & Technology (IUST), J&K India |
Dr. Daniel Anthoni Sihasale | Lecturer at Study Program of Geographical, Education of FKIP UNPATTI, Ambon, Maluku, Indonesian |
Dr. K. Vijayarani | Assistant Professor, Department of Education, School of Distance Education, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore-46. |
Dr. M. R. Arun | Associate Professor, PBR Visvodaya Institute of Technology and Science, Nellore, India |
Name | Affiliation |
Mr. R. Dave | Founder & Managing Editor, BSc(IT), Dip. in Modern Applied Psychology, Master of Science in Information Technology, Dr. C. V. Raman University, Kargi Road, Kota, Bilaspur (C.G). |
Name | Affiliation |
Dr. Vimal Pandya | Director, Navgujarat College Of Computer Applications, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad -380009. |
Prof. Dr. Ashish Vyas | Director, Brahmanand BBA College, Hathijan, Ahmedabad -382445. |
Dr. Jimi B. Hadvaid | Department Of Homoeopathic (Enlisted) Physician, Ahmedabad - 380001. |
Dr. Pinky Gandhi | DHMS Department Of Materia Medica Homoeopathic, Ahmedabad - 380001. |
Dr. Sharli Acharya | Director, Sai Global Health, Ahmedabad - 382424 (India). |
Dr. Ishita Gandhi | MBBS, General Physician, Jaipur. (Raj.), India |
Dr. Bhargav S. Dave | DOMS, DNB,(Ophth), Consultant (Vitreo Retina Services), Dr. Dave Eye Care, Ahmedabad. |
Dr. Nikhil B Chavda | MBBS, Junior Resident (Surgery), L. G. Hospital, Maninagar, Ahmedabad |
Dr. Badridan Gadhvi | BAMS, CCKS,METC, Tap Hospital, Adipur, Kutch. |
Dr. Prakash Chauhan | M.S.(Ortho) Pediatric Ortho Surgeon. |
Dr. Dilip Pancholi | M.D., Gen. Medicine. Shakti Hospital, Surendranagar. |
Dr. Balvant P. Khadiya | M.B.B.S., M.S. (Ortho), A.F.I.H., Industrial Consultant. |
Dr. Sefa Bulut | Associate Prof, Department Of Educational Sciences Head Of Counseling Psychology And Guidance Program College Of Education Abant Izzet Baysal University Golkoy 14280 Bolu TURKEY. |
Ass. Prof. Wan Fauziah W Yusoff | Director Centre For Business And Entrepreneurship Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. |
Ass. Prof. Dr. Aiswarya K. | Assistant Professor, Department of Agadtantra, State Model Government Ayurveda College, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India |
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