
  • Bharti Rawat (Research Scholar) Himgiri Zee University, Dehradun
  • Dr. Anoj Raj HOD and Associate Dean, Edu. Dept. Himgiri Zee University,Dehradun.


Educational Achievement, Adjustment


The purpose of present research is to see the effect of dimention of adjustment on the B.Ed pupil teachers and its educational achievement. Dimention of adjustment are Home, Health, Social, Emotional and Eductional Adjustment applied in this research for which A.K.P.Sinha and R.P.Singh Adjustment Inventory For College Students (AICS). For sampling in Dehradun Dist. four B.Ed Institutes were selected by Random method. Use of Mean, Standard Deviation and T-Value was used for data analysis. The finding of the present study reveal that educational achievement and total adjustment differ between male and female pupil teachers but they don’t differ in dimention of adjustment.


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How to Cite

Bharti Rawat, & Dr. Anoj Raj. (2017). STUDY OF THE EFFECT OF EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT ON ADJUSTMENT OF B.ED PUPIL TEACHERS. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 3(3). Retrieved from