
  • Juan Silva Departament of Education and Director Center CIIET Universidad de Santiago de Chile
  • Andrea Astudillo Professional Design Instructional online Center CIIET Universidad de Santiago de Chile
  • Elio Fernandez Professional Design Instructional online Center CIIET Universidad de Santiago de Chile


e-activities, virtual learning environment, e-learning, methodologies, student-centered learning


Using Information and Communication Technology (ICT), especially in Learning Management Systems (LMS) enable extending
teaching beyond the physical boundaries of the classroom. Using LMS could enable designing innovative virtual learning environments (VLE), placing the student in the center of the educational process. For this to happen, VLEs should consider different aspects, primarily a change in methodology from the traditional content and teacher based method to one that is based on e-activities and centered on the student. This article presents a student-centered VLE basing its design on e-activities. It presents the main aspects of the model and its implementation in LMS.


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How to Cite

Juan Silva, Andrea Astudillo, & Elio Fernandez. (2015). STUDENT-CENTERED VIRTUAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENT PROPOSAL. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 1(5). Retrieved from