
  • Mrs. D. Packiam Research scholar, Lecturer, DIET, T.Kallupatti, Madurai District, Tamil Nadu
  • Dr.(Mrs) M. Parimala Fathima Asst.Prof, Alagappa University College of Education, Karaikudi, Sivangangai District, TamilNadu


Elementary school plays an important role in the life of an individual in laying a sound foundation of learning. Elementary Education suffers from innumerable problems. One of them is dyslexia students in classroom, who are need special attention. The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) (2000) estimates at least 17% to 20% of all children in the United States are reported to have some type of developmental disability such as dyslexia. The dyslexic child can come from any background or any income level and dyslexia may occur in any child in a family regardless of order in which he is born .The Presence of dyslexia children in elementary schools is no doubt, detrimental to the quality education. So it is the need of hour, we focus methodology to teach dyslexia children. Graphic organizer is effective method to get rid of the problems faced by dyslexia children in classroom. Now, there are so many electronic software are using in schools of abroad to eradicate the students' dyslexia. Optimal guidance of constructivist paradigm entails for dyslexia. Graphical organizers, however excellent, will not bear fruitful results unless they are incorporated in the system.


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Sandhya Naidoo (1972). The Research Report of the ICAA

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Smith, D. Shelley (1986) Genetics and Correcting Reading Disabilities.

London: Taylor and Francis.

T.R. Miles and Elaine Miles (1983), Help for Dyslexia Children,

London: Methuen

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How to Cite

Mrs. D. Packiam, & Dr.(Mrs) M. Parimala Fathima. (2015). GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS OF CONSTRUCTIVIST PARADIGM BENEFIT STUDENTS WITH DYSLEXIA. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 1(5). Retrieved from