
  • S.ANANDHI Research Scholar, Department of Education, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, India
  • Dr. B.WILLIAM DHARMA RAJA Assistant Professor & Head, Department of Education, ManonmaniamSundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, India


Mnemonic devices, academic achievement, ASAT, SPM


Learning is the acquisition of knowledge and skills. Students find it difficult to learn and remember science vocabulary, names and years which are the inevitable parts of science education. Hence it became necessary to find an alternate way of teaching and learning. Mnemonics, an ancient art of memoryproved to be a technique that aids in learning and remembering could be employed as the remedial method in science education. The present study was an attempt to find the effectiveness of this technique among Standard VIII students in science. This was an experimental study of equivalent group pretest-posttest design. It was found out that mnemonic instruction has resulted in more effective learning and retention of the learnt material.


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How to Cite

S.ANANDHI, & Dr. B.WILLIAM DHARMA RAJA. (2015). MNEMONICS: A REMEDIAL METHOD FOR TEACHING SCIENCE. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 1(5). Retrieved from