
  • Dr. Tarjeet Sabharwal Assistant Professor, Delhi College of Arts & Commerce, University of Delhi


Online information, credibility, perception, verification, networked society, new media


This study examines the perception of credibility of online information and news, as well as the verification of online information, seeking to assess the online users’ perception of credibility of online information and news, and the online users’ belief in misinformation and its relationship with their internet age. Credibility and verification index were measured as multi-dimensional constructs. The results of a survey of India’s online users showed that information and news are perceived moderately credible, and verification index of audiences is also moderate. Internet age, verification index and believability of misinformation were related and analysed. Analysis indicated that the believability of misinformation is directly related to the internet age of users. Demographic characteristics of respondents did not influence their perception of credibility, and verification of information and news.


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How to Cite

Dr. Tarjeet Sabharwal. (2016). CONSUMPTION OF ONLINE INFORMATION AND NEWS: A STUDY OF CREDIBILITY PERCEPTION. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 2(12). Retrieved from

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