
  • Khushboo Rani Assistant Professor,
  • Shivani Ujjwal
  • Shalu Rathor
  • Vanshika


Family, Family values, Knowledge, Residing


Family is where our roots take hold and from there we grow. A sense of belonging is derived from the strong bond of family. Family bonds are a link to our beginning and a guide to our future. Objective of the study was To assess the knowledge regarding family values among people. The population included in family values among people residing in sub urban community at Meerut. Sample size included in the study was 100 families residing sub urban area in community. Purposive sampling technique was used for data collection. The study was conducted in selected people residing in sub urban area Multan nagar Meerut. Result of the study was the family values among family members it shows that family members had average value (7%) and had more value (93%). On the basis above findings the conclusion of the study, deficiency of knowledge in family regarding family values. There was have more family value among family members residing in sub urban community area.


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How to Cite

Khushboo Rani, Shivani Ujjwal, Shalu Rathor, & Vanshika. (2021). A STUDY TO ASSESS THE KNOWLEDGE REGARDING FAMILY VALUES AMONG PEOPLE RESIDING IN SUB URBAN COMMUNITY AT MEERUT. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 7(3). Retrieved from http://ierj.in/journal/index.php/ierj/article/view/2255