
  • Sushama U. Borkar Department of Botany, Government Institute of Science, Nagpur, Dist. Nagpur, 440008(M.S) India.
  • Rajesh S. Gaikwad Department of Botany, Swami Vivekanand Senior College, Mantha- 431504. Dist. Jalna (M.S) India.


Syzygium cumini, Germination, Shoot Length and Root Length


Seed germination in response to various pre-sowing treatments was studied. The above experiment was conducted and observed that, Thiourea for 45 minutes and Kinetin for 60 minutes favoured maximum seed germination and enhancement in shoot length and root length.


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How to Cite

Sushama U. Borkar, & Rajesh S. Gaikwad. (2020). EFFECT OF THIOUREA AND KINETIN ON SEED GERMINATION OF SYZYGIUM CUMINI (L.) SKEELS. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 6(3). Retrieved from http://ierj.in/journal/index.php/ierj/article/view/1996