
  • Gem Prasad Gurung Asso. Professor (Science Education) Sanothimi Campus, Bhaktapur Tribhuvan University, Nepal
  • Kamal Prasad Koirala Lecturer (Science Education) Gorkha Campus,Gorkha, Tribhuvan University, Nepal


socio-culture, spiritual, religious, ethics, environment conservation


The objective of this paper is to examine the social, cultural, spiritual as well as legal knowledge generation and their practices on environment conservation. It focuses on how religious beliefs as well as socio-cultural practices affect the way of conserving the natural resources and supporting for environment protection. Large number of animals and plants species has been found conserved and managed with the importance of religious/socio-cultural perspective in Nepal. This study is followed qualitative way to address the objectives designed in the study. Literature review is divided in 2 parts i.e., theoretical review and empirical review. Data analysis and interpretation is managed in thematic way. The study which explore the sociocultural knowledge and practice in environment conservation of Nepal would promote to the slogan of “Think globally, act locally” for environment conservation in the world.


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How to Cite

Gem Prasad Gurung, & Kamal Prasad Koirala. (2019). ENVIRONMENT CONSERVATION OF NEPALI WOMEN: IN SOCIO-CULTURAL STANDPOINT. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 5(3). Retrieved from http://ierj.in/journal/index.php/ierj/article/view/1743