Composite, CFRP, oil palm reinforced fiber, damping, vibration, weight reduction, cutting toolAbstract
The main purpose of the structural design is to restrict the vibration of structures at a desirable level as per requirements. Usually, structures inherently possess low structural damping necessitating the introduction of additional measures to improve their damping characteristics in order to control the harmful effects of vibration in normal operating conditions. Since many decades, it has been a biggest challenge to the practicing engineers and designers to limit this unwanted vibration in structures. The sole contribution of the present investigation is intended in this direction only.
This project consists of an experimental work with a specific composite material using oil palm reinforced poly propylene and CFRP (Carbon Fibers Reinforced Polymer). The experimental results are compared with the corresponding theoretical ones. Composite materials exhibit good mechanical properties such as high stiffness and damping ratio at a lesser weight, compared to conventional materials. In this study, the mechanical characteristics of an oil palm reinforced fiber are studied against the conventional materials such as cast iron and steel with reference to constant stiffness. It is observed that, for same stiffness, the composite structure offers a considerable weight reduction, along with high damping characteristics.
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