
  • Rogelio González Correa Clinical and laboratory teacher of the Faculty of Stomatology of the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí UASLP (México)
  • Blanca Estela Estrada Esquivel Clinical and laboratory teacher of the Faculty of Stomatology of the Autonomous University of Puebla Benemérita BUAP (México) & 10 B Sur #3720-301 Col Anzures C.P. 7253. Mobile No.2223964093
  • Raúl Márquez Preciado Clinical and laboratory teacher of the Faculty of Stomatology of the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí UASLP (México)
  • Loredo Escobar Karen Osmara Student of 9° semester of the Licentiate of Medical Stomatologists degree of the UASLP(México)


Learning-teaching theories, Learning theories, Thinking and behavior, Visual technique, Kinesthetic technique, Auditory technique


 It is very important to identify the learning styles of the students of the Licentiate of Stomatologists degree of the Faculty of Stomatology of the UASLP, so that the teachers are trained and updated on the different teaching styles and techniques, in order to improve the Skills and competences that improve the results and academic performance of students, and with this to avoid that student is at a disadvantage because the teacher's technique does not conform to the student's style of learning. It was identified that the teaching method of the teachers has a clear tendency on the visual style, followed by the auditory style, and in the end the kinesthetic style.


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How to Cite

Rogelio González Correa, Blanca Estela Estrada Esquivel, Raúl Márquez Preciado, & Loredo Escobar Karen Osmara. (2018). PROFESSOR’S TEACHING TECHNIQUES OF THE MEDICAL STOMATOLOGIST DEGREE FROM THE STOMATOLOGY FACULTY OF UASLP. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 4(7). Retrieved from